It is revealed that Xiaomi Mi 15 series Surge OS will be fully optimized. Is it really comparable to Apple?

On September 9, Lu Weibing, partner, president, international president, and general manager of Xiaomi brand, announced on Weibo that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen4 mobile platform, which will be the first to be launched in the Xiaomi 15 series, will bring a huge improvement. In this regard, a blogger said that the kernel of the Surge OS system that is paired with the Xiaomi 15 series has also been fully optimized. It is said that Xiaomi has made great efforts to optimize it this time.

It is revealed that Xiaomi Mi 15 series Surge OS will be fully optimized. Is it really comparable to Apple?

Lu Weibing said that 2024 will be an important turning point for the chip industry, and in the next month or so, everyone will see the specific manifestation of this turning point. He also pointed out that the two major processor suppliers in the first echelon of the industry have clearly chosen the “dual super-large core” design, and who will win will soon be revealed.

It is revealed that Xiaomi Mi 15 series Surge OS will be fully optimized. Is it really comparable to Apple?

Lu Weibing announced that Xiaomi’s upcoming new flagship platform will bring a strong performance improvement. The new platform adopts a new desktop-level micro-architecture design with “three super features”: ultra-high main frequency, super performance and ultra-low power consumption. In any aspect, this upgrade will be a disruptive change to the past. According to the data currently obtained, the performance of the new platform is exactly the same as the goal defined by Xiaomi and its partners three years ago. After three years of in-depth joint research and development, coupled with this comprehensive optimization of the system kernel, it will bring the most significant performance experience leap to date, marking the arrival of an important turning point in the chip industry landscape.

It is understood that the Xiaomi 15 series is expected to be released in October, bringing two models: Xiaomi 15 and Xiaomi 15Pro.

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