Apple customer service responded to complaints about the iOS 18 photo album: Maybe you just can’t get used to it at first

On September 17, Apple pushed the official version of iOS 18 system update to iPhone users. However, after the update was released, many netizens complained about the new album layout, and topics such as “iOS 18 gives me my mother’s album” and “iOS 18 is ugly” became hot searches on Weibo.

iOS 18 PhotosiOS 18 Photos

In response, Apple customer service said that the version has just been upgraded, and it is possible that users may not adapt to it at first, and each user may feel differently. You can try to observe the usage. If you still cannot adapt to it later, you can wait patiently for the new version of iOS to come out and then update to the new version. Customer service has recorded the problem and will try to optimize the version function later. Or users can check whether their iOS 18 version is the official version or the beta version. If it is a beta version, after backing up the data, you can restore the phone system and restore it to the previous iOS 17 version. However, this method of restoring the system requires that the phone is a beta version, otherwise it will be invalid.

Apple customer service responded to complaints about the iOS 18 photo album: Maybe you just can’t get used to it at first

Apple customer service said that if a large number of users report problems with this version later, Apple will quickly resolve the issue through version updates, but the specific update time cannot be determined.

The official version of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 was pushed on September 17. This update will be compatible with the second-generation iPhone SE and all subsequent models, including the newly released iPhone 16 series, supporting a total of 27 iPhones.

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