Hongmeng applications have become a new direction for enterprises to deploy, and Hongmeng talents have become a “hot commodity” since the beginning of the year.

In 2023, self-developed mobile phone OS became a hot spot in the market, and Huawei, Xiaomi, Honor, vivo, OPPO, etc. all joined in. To date, judging from the progress of major brands, Huawei is the first brand that dares to cut off from Android. On January 18, 2024, Huawei announced the opening of the HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview application. It is reported that HarmonyOS NEXT is Huawei’s self-developed operating system, which only supports the Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng system applications, and is no longer compatible with Android applications.

Hongmeng applications have become a new direction for enterprises to deploy, and Hongmeng talents have become a "hot commodity" since the beginning of the year.

At this point, Huawei has completely bid farewell to the Android system. However, for technology companies, the construction of the system ecosystem is more important than the construction of the underlying code. Without strong ecological application support, it is difficult for self-developed systems to get rid of the title of “empty shell”.

Huawei has formed a strong appeal to consumers and enterprises with its own brand potential and technical R&D team. It is understood that more than 200 Hongmeng native applications have been started for development, including more than 100 completed Beta versions, covering convenient life, travel and tourism, financial convenience, social information, productivity tools, audio and video entertainment, games and other fields. The Hongmeng native application map has basically taken shape. It is expected that by the end of 2024, more than 5,000 Hongmeng native applications will be started for development.

Hongmeng applications have become a new direction for enterprises to deploy, and Hongmeng talents have become a "hot commodity" since the beginning of the year.

As more and more Internet companies start developing Hongmeng native applications, the construction of this third set of application development teams has made Hongmeng development talents a hot spot for competition. According to the latest data from Zhaopin.com, in the first week of work after the Spring Festival, the number of Hongmeng-related positions increased by 163% year-on-year, and the demand for Hongmeng positions in the spring recruitment was nearly three times that of last year. It is worth noting that since the full launch of Hongmeng native applications in September 2023, the year-on-year growth rate of Hongmeng-related positions in the fields of finance, life, social networking, and entertainment has climbed from 33.8% to 216.1%. Among the many recruiting companies, large companies account for about 70% of the total.

Hongmeng applications have become a new direction for enterprises to deploy, and Hongmeng talents have become a "hot commodity" since the beginning of the year.

The surge in the number of Hongmeng development positions proves that Hongmeng has become a scarce talent in the recruitment market. Precisely because of its scarcity, companies have also offered slightly higher salary levels than the same positions. According to Zhaopin data, the average monthly salary of Hongmeng programmers exceeds 18,000 yuan, which is 9% higher than the average salary of overall development positions (16,617 yuan/month). Among them, the recruitment salary for those with more than 5 years of experience reached 25,241 yuan/month. Hongmeng development talents have become high-paying positions in the development industry.

Hongmeng applications have become a new direction for enterprises to deploy, and Hongmeng talents have become a "hot commodity" since the beginning of the year.

Whether it is the increase in the number of recruitment positions or the increase in salary levels, it shows the scarcity and importance of Hongmeng developers. Driven by this high demand, the enthusiasm of applicants for Hongmeng positions is also rising. According to Zhaopin.com, in the first week of work after the Spring Festival, the number of people applying for Hongmeng-related positions increased by 349% year-on-year, 4.5 times that of the same period last year.

Even so, the gap in Hongmeng-related positions is still very huge. At a time when Huawei’s products are gaining momentum, the number of Hongmeng ecological devices has grown to 800 million, and the interconnection of all things in thousands of industries is likely to open up a new blue ocean of trillion-level industries. According to relevant sources, the demand for Hongmeng-related positions is expected to reach millions in the future. Therefore, in the context of talent scarcity, Huawei will also work with universities to help Hongmeng talents grow. Hongmeng campus open classes have entered 135 universities including Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Harbin Institute of Technology, etc. By setting up professional courses, it has provided strong support for the cultivation of Hongmeng talents, and is expected to further expand the scale of the future Hongmeng talent market.

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