Blogger: Apple iOS 18.1 animation has frame drops and freezes, which is not very satisfactory

The smoothness of Apple’s iOS is obvious to all, but there are also some minor flaws that can be found.

Recently, a blogger said that the animation of iOS 18.1 is not very satisfactory to the naked eye. He slowed down the animation by 8 times to find out the reason. It can be seen that there is a frame loss when the via app is opened. Then, in the animation of the JD app, JD suddenly falls back to its original position without any animation. “As an animation pioneer, this is not right.”

Blogger: Apple iOS 18.1 animation has frame drops and freezes, which is not very satisfactory

The blogger said that as an animation enthusiast, he usually slows down the video 8 or 16 times to look at the animation details frame by frame. It looks a bit strange to the naked eye, but you can’t tell what’s strange. In fact, you can find the reason after slowing it down. For example, an animation seems to end very quickly, but when you slow it down, you will find that a large part of the animation is missing.

Blogger: Apple iOS 18.1 animation has frame drops and freezes, which is not very satisfactory

Of course, this experience is very subtle and ordinary users can hardly notice it, so it has basically no impact on daily experience.

In terms of application animation effects, domestic mobile phone manufacturers have caught up. Previously, blogger @数码闲聊站 broke the news that one of the biggest improvements of OPPO’s ColorOS 15 is the addition of delicate animation effects to the system. Whether it is icons, cards, widgets or folders, they all support interrupted animation effects, and the user experience has been significantly improved.

It is revealed that ColorOS 15 has comprehensively optimized the animation effects of interfaces such as the desktop, control center, notifications, lock screen, large folders, global search, and smart sidebar, making the operation experience of the entire system smoother. For example, when swiping sideways or swiping up to return to the desktop, the system adds interruptible animation effects, so that users can get a more coherent and natural experience when performing quick operations.

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