Huawei Mate XT, the ultimate foldable phone with luxurious appearance, leads the new trend of foldable screens. Pre-orders for Huawei’s first triple-foldable screen phone are now open

On September 7, Huawei Terminal officially released the pre-order poster for its new product in the Master series, Huawei Mate XT Master, announcing the official opening of pre-orders for Huawei’s first three-fold screen mobile phone. With the pre-order news of this product, Huawei Mate XT Master instantly became a hot topic in the industry. As soon as the pre-order channel was opened, the number of pre-orders quickly exceeded 100,000, showing consumers’ extremely high expectations for this new product. The launch of Huawei Mate XT Master is not only a new breakthrough for Huawei in the field of smartphones, but also a milestone in technological innovation.

Huawei Mate XT, the ultimate foldable phone with luxurious appearance, leads the new trend of foldable screens. Pre-orders for Huawei's first triple-foldable screen phone are now open

Breaking the boundaries of technology: Huawei’s triple-fold design leads the future

As Huawei’s first triple-folding screen phone, Huawei Mate XT undoubtedly represents the top level of current folding screen phone design. The pre-release video released on September 5th revealed some of the appearance, color and lens design of Huawei Mate XT. The red color is very eye-catching, and the octagonal lens Deco design, gold label and texture are eye-catching. Although the video did not show the complete product form, the details it revealed are enough to trigger widespread discussion.

Huawei Mate XT, the ultimate foldable phone with luxurious appearance, leads the new trend of foldable screens. Pre-orders for Huawei's first triple-foldable screen phone are now open

This three-fold design not only brings a huge visual impact, but also realizes a variety of application scenarios in terms of functionality. Compared with the traditional single-fold or double-fold design, the three-fold screen can provide a wider display area after unfolding, thus meeting the needs of users in multiple scenarios such as multi-tasking, large-screen audio and video entertainment, and mobile office. This unprecedented design concept turns “science fiction” into reality and demonstrates Huawei’s strong strength in technological innovation.

High-end positioning: the new pinnacle of the extraordinary master series

As a member of Huawei’s Extraordinary Master series, Huawei Mate XT Extraordinary Master undoubtedly continues the high-end positioning of this series of products. Richard Yu, Huawei’s executive director, chairman of the Terminal BG, and chairman of the Intelligent Automotive Solutions BU, emphasized in his Weibo post on the day of the official announcement of the press conference that Huawei Mate XT Extraordinary Master is a “leading, innovative, and subversive” product, and a “groundbreaking product that others have thought of but cannot do”, which shows Huawei’s high attention and high hopes for this product. At the same time, He Gang, CEO of Huawei’s Terminal BG, also mentioned in his forwarding that Huawei Mate XT Extraordinary Master is an “unprecedented new technological species” and a “super terminal for the future”, further strengthening the high-end attributes of this new product.

Huawei Mate XT, the ultimate foldable phone with luxurious appearance, leads the new trend of foldable screens. Pre-orders for Huawei's first triple-foldable screen phone are now open

Huawei Mate XT is not only a consolidation of Huawei’s position in the smartphone market, but also another powerful entry into the high-end market. By integrating top hardware configuration, innovative folding design and deep integration of the Harmony OS ecosystem, Huawei Mate XT will undoubtedly become a rising star in the high-end smartphone market, bringing users an unparalleled user experience.

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On September 7, when Huawei officially announced the opening of pre-orders for the Huawei Mate XT, the number of pre-orders rose rapidly, which is enough to show that consumers have high expectations and recognition for this innovative product. From the pre-order stages, whether it is the previews by Yu Chengdong and He Gang on Weibo, or the posters and videos released by Huawei terminals, they are constantly increasing consumers’ curiosity and expectations for the Huawei Mate XT.

Huawei Mate XT, the ultimate foldable phone with luxurious appearance, leads the new trend of foldable screens. Pre-orders for Huawei's first triple-foldable screen phone are now open

The launch of Huawei Mate XT not only sets the trend in product design, but also achieves a major breakthrough in technology. As Huawei’s first triple-folding screen mobile phone, it is believed that the emergence of Huawei Mate XT marks a new stage in the development of folding screen technology. With its deep accumulation in flexible screen technology, hinge design and system optimization, Huawei has successfully overcome many technical difficulties of triple-folding screen mobile phones and brought a new solution to the industry.

Huawei Mate XT Extraordinary MasterWillLeading the folding screenNew direction of development

In the past few years, Huawei has continued to make efforts in the field of foldable screen mobile phones, from the world’s first foldable screen Mate X to the hot-selling Mate X5, and now the first three-fold screen mobile phone Huawei Mate XT Extraordinary Master. Each product has made breakthroughs in technology, gradually pushing foldable screen mobile phones from concept to reality, from niche to mass. The advent of Huawei Mate XT Extraordinary Master not only continues this development trajectory, but also further broadens the foldable screen category and opens up a new track for the industry.

In general, the release of Huawei Mate XT not only marks another breakthrough for Huawei in the field of smartphones, but also heralds a new round of changes in the folding screen market. As Huawei’s first three-folding screen mobile phone, Huawei Mate XT will attract a large number of consumers with its unique design and powerful functions. Through Huawei Mate XT, Huawei will continue to lead the trend of technological innovation and drive the smartphone industry forward. With the hot pre-orders, we have reason to believe that Huawei Mate XT will set off a new wave of enthusiasm in the market and bring consumers an unprecedented technological experience.

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