Huawei’s mobile phone activation share has exceeded 15% for three consecutive weeks and may exceed 20% in September

According to a digital blogger, Huawei’s mobile phone activation share has exceeded 15% for three consecutive weeks recently, and may exceed 20% in September.

Huawei mobile phoneHuawei mobile phone

CNMO learned that Huawei’s mobile phone activation share in the Chinese market has exceeded 15% for three consecutive weeks. The above blogger predicted that Huawei will release a new mid-range phone in September (probably the nova 13 series), and the activation share is expected to exceed 20% again. Judging from the trend chart of Huawei’s mobile phone activation share, the brand did break through the 20% mark earlier this year, around the 17th week. According to the product rhythm, this should have a lot to do with the launch of the Pura 70 series.

Huawei mobile phone activation share dataHuawei mobile phone activation share data

In addition, compared with last year’s activation share curve, it is not difficult to see that Huawei’s share this year has been higher than last year. With the launch of three-fold screen mobile phones, nova 13 series and Mate 70 series in the future, the brand’s activation share in China is expected to usher in another round of peaks like last year.

Previously, another blogger released the activation volume of various mobile phone brands in the domestic market by W33 (August 18) in 2024. Vivo, Xiaomi and Honor ranked the top three, and Huawei ranked fourth (26.665 million units, with a share of 15.1%), surpassing brands such as Apple and OPPO. The blogger also predicted that from the perspective of the whole year, there is basically no brand in the domestic mobile phone market that poses a threat to vivo, and it will be difficult for Xiaomi to maintain its second place. Apple and Huawei also have the hope of competing for the second place. What do you think Huawei will rank this year?

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