iPhone 16 series is shipped today, and a large number of Apple fans have begun queuing up in stores to pick up their phones

On September 20, Apple’s iPhone 16 series officially began shipping, and many users who had previously booked the first release began to go to offline stores to pick up their products. Mobile China found that although Apple’s offline stores did not officially open until 8 a.m., there was already a long line outside the Apple store at 7:30 a.m.

iPhone 16 series is shipped today, and a large number of Apple fans have begun queuing up in stores to pick up their phones

From the pictures taken, it can be found that early in the morning of September 20, many users who pre-ordered the iPhone 16 series began to line up outside the Apple store. Some users in the queue said that they came to the store where they pre-ordered the iPhone 16 at around 6 o’clock in the morning to line up, just hoping to experience this new Apple phone earlier.

iPhone 16 series is shipped today, and a large number of Apple fans have begun queuing up in stores to pick up their phones

It is understood that users who have purchased the iPhone 16 series during the pre-order period will not only go to offline stores to pick up the products, but users who ordered online will also receive the new phones via express delivery. I believe that later we will be able to see netizens posting news about receiving the new phones on social media.

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