Super-focused XMAGE imaging helps Huawei P60 Pro combine flagship imaging with thinness

I remember the last time I met Huawei Terminal BG CTO Bruce Lee was during Huawei HDC 2022, when the Huawei Mate 50 series was released shortly. Bruce Lee told many stories about XMAGE imaging and Beidou satellite communications at the media communication meeting. The Mate series returned with “breakthrough” technology after two years. In my opinion, it was like shouting “We are back!”

Seeing Bruce Lee again this time is definitely closely related to the products, but the protagonists have become the Huawei P60 series and the Huawei Mate X3 series. Also after two years, the Huawei P series gave us a big surprise, and I think it is not an exaggeration to describe Huawei Mate X3 as the return of the king. Both products have conquered consumers with their hard power.

When talking about the Huawei P60 series, the first keyword that comes to my mind is “Rococo White”, which is indeed one of the most representative features of the P60 series. Because of the use of Ningguang Fritillary Craftsmanship and the participation of manual processes, the pattern style of each Huawei P60 Rococo White is unique. This concept is very advanced in digital products.

Super-focused XMAGE imaging helps Huawei P60 Pro combine flagship imaging with thinness

However, as the flagship of imaging aesthetics, the imaging experience of the Huawei P60 series is the killer feature of the Huawei P60 series, especially the Huawei P60 Pro. At this media communication meeting, when introducing the research and development story behind the Huawei P60 series, Li Xiaolong used a lot of space to talk about the super-focused XMAGE imaging.

As an imaging flagship, Huawei P60 Pro is absolutely special. Compared with several imaging flagships from rivals, with a body thickness of 8.3mm and a weight of 200g, Huawei P60 Pro can be regarded as the lightest and thinnest imaging flagship at present. In addition, the thickness of the Huawei P60 series lens module is also the lowest among the new imaging flagships. The Deco area does not affect the comfort of holding the phone at all, which is quite valuable.

Although the lens module of Huawei P60 Pro is not prominent, its strength should not be underestimated. The physical variable aperture has been retained in Huawei P60 Pro. While the main camera has the industry’s largest F1.4 aperture, it also supports ten aperture adjustments from F1.4 to F4.0. Previously, on the Huawei Mate 50 series, we have fully appreciated the creative advantages brought by this variable aperture. Now it is even better on Huawei P60 Pro. First of all, the main camera has an advantage in picture quality. On this basis, the F1.4 aperture can provide a stronger amount of light and a better blur effect, while the F4.0 aperture can bring a wider focal plane and enhance the depth of field. All of this is achieved through physical means, so its effect makes people feel more comfortable.

At the same time, the telephoto experience of Huawei P60 Pro is also praised by people. There are many industry-first black technologies at work. The aperture of Huawei P60 Pro’s periscope telephoto lens has reached the industry’s largest F2.1. It also uses the industry’s first super-condenser group, combined with the industry’s first sensor horizontal dual-prism optical system architecture, which significantly increases the amount of light entering the entire periscope telephoto lens while reducing the thickness by about 20% compared to the traditional single prism module. This is one of the secrets of Huawei P60 Pro’s thinness. The improvement in night vision telephoto capability is obvious. Huawei P60 Pro can capture more scenes, such as the “super moon color” with the moon in the foreground, which has taken mobile phone imaging to a new level in composition and playability.

Super-focused XMAGE imaging helps Huawei P60 Pro combine flagship imaging with thinness

In addition, in terms of the most important recording capability of mobile images, Huawei P60 Pro can do more, such as telephoto portraits at night, where it can be said to have an absolute advantage.

Super-focused XMAGE imaging helps Huawei P60 Pro combine flagship imaging with thinness

On the other hand, thanks to the industry’s first long-stroke sliding-axis zoom lens group, the focus stroke of the Huawei P60 Pro is effectively reduced, supporting the telephoto macro function, which is also a feature I personally like very much, because I prefer to record the time I spend with cats, and its telephoto macro can clearly capture some authentic expressions without disturbing the cats.

Super-focused XMAGE imaging helps Huawei P60 Pro combine flagship imaging with thinness

It is worth mentioning that through the industry’s first three-axis sensor displacement stabilization, Huawei P60 Pro also has better stabilization consistency at the telephoto end.

Huawei’s XMAGE imaging was officially announced in July last year. Through the Huawei Mate 50 series and Huawei P60 series, we can see that in each specific product series, Huawei has given XMAGE imaging a more distinct positioning and personality. In the Huawei Mate 50 series, it is called ultra-light-variable XMAGE imaging, while in the Huawei P60 series, it is called ultra-focusing XMAGE imaging.

In fact, this also reflects Huawei’s attitude towards imaging. The reason why Huawei P60 Pro can keep the lens module as thin and compact as possible is not only due to many industry-first structural designs, but also due to the difference in product ideas. Huawei P60 Pro does not blindly pursue sensor size, but puts more energy on how to make the phone receive more light. Therefore, Huawei P60 Pro’s night shooting ability is also very strong.

In my opinion, there is no difference between Huawei P60 Pro and the imaging flagships of other companies in terms of product ideas. It’s just that Huawei has a more unique and profound understanding of mobile imaging due to its years of exploration in the field of mobile imaging. At the same time, Huawei’s long-term investment in research and development also enables it to provide users with a better user experience in terms of hard power. In addition to these, Huawei’s pursuit of algorithms and styles in XMAGE imaging not only reflects the calmness of old artists, but also shows the innovation of traditional art by the new generation. In short, I look forward to Huawei bringing more good products like Huawei P60 Pro in the future.

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