Two key new features of HarmonyOS NEXT revealed: “App Continuation” is super smooth

As the pure-blooded Hongmeng began to recruit users for Beta, more news emerged. Recently, a blogger talked about the full-scenario function design of HarmonyOS NEXT. He said that the Hongmeng operating system divides the multi-device collaboration function (free flow) into “cross-end migration” and “multi-end collaboration”, which represent serial interaction and parallel interaction in time respectively.

Two key new features of HarmonyOS NEXT revealed: "App Continuation" is super smooth

Cross-terminal migration (serial interaction) means that after the user has finished using device A, the target task is completely transferred to device B, and the user of device A no longer needs to perform any operations; dual-frame represents functions such as multi-device task center, super desktop, etc. Multi-terminal collaboration (parallel interaction) means that when the user uses device A, he or she simultaneously uses device B to assist in completing related tasks; dual-frame represents functions such as mobile phone remote control of smart screen, wireless screen projection, etc.

Two key new features of HarmonyOS NEXT revealed: "App Continuation" is super smooth

For the single-framework Hongmeng, two new representative functions have been added to cross-terminal migration and multi-terminal collaboration: application continuation and application native interconnection. Regarding application continuation, for example, when a user browses a web page on the browser of device A and then turns off the screen of device A or returns directly to the desktop, the browser Deco will pop up directly from the Dock bar at the bottom of device B. After the user clicks it, the browser will automatically jump to the page that the user browsed on the browser of device A and load it into the corresponding process instantly. The user does not need to do anything on device A.

Two key new features of HarmonyOS NEXT revealed: "App Continuation" is super smooth

Regarding the native interconnection capabilities of applications, taking WPS as an example, when the user clicks to insert a picture in the WPS on device A, an option will pop up to select a picture from the local gallery or select a photo on other mobile phones/tablets. Assuming that the user chooses to select a photo on device B, device B will automatically open the gallery (device B must be unlocked). After that, the user selects the target picture on device B and confirms it, the picture will be automatically inserted into the WPS of device A.

Two key new features of HarmonyOS NEXT revealed: "App Continuation" is super smooth

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